東京大会 参加登録 Tokyo Regional Contest Registration

  1. Teams have been selected through the domestic contest and already notified.
  2. Register additional information for the Tokyo Regional Contest if necessary.
  3. Participate in the Asia Tokyo Regional Contest on Oct 18-20.

Teams whose members belong to an institute outside of Japan:

  1. Register Coach and Team to The 2014 ACM-ICPC Asia Tokyo Regional Contest on Baylor ICPC Web System by August 18, 2014 (registration site for foreign teams will be opened on July 21, 2014). Teams must conform to the basic eligibility rule.
  2. Teams will be notified about participation in the Tokyo Regional Contest. If there are more than 7 teams, teams will be chosen so that the number of universities, and the number of countries are maximized.
  3. Register additional information for the Tokyo Regional Contest if necessary.
  4. Participate in the Asia Tokyo Regional Contest on Oct 18-20.