ICPC 2024 国内予選 選抜ルール

English version follows.

選抜ルールを下記の通り定めます.なお,このルールは,ICPC運営委員会 (ICPC Board) によって制定されました.


ただし,登録メンバーの一部がやむを得ない理由で国内予選を欠席し,国内予選には 2 人以下が参加した場合も、登録した 3 人全員をメンバーとするチームと認める.


参加チームについて成績順に以下のルールを適用する.いま,該当チームを A とする.

  1. その時点での選抜チーム数が 10 に満たない場合
  2. その時点での選抜チーム数が 25 に満たない場合
    Aと同じ大学等の所属でその時点で選抜されたチームの数が 3 に満たなければ,Aは横浜大会の参加チームとして選抜される.
  3. その時点での選抜チーム数が 40 に満たない場合
    Aと同じ大学等の所属でその時点で選抜されたチームの数が 2 に満たなければ,Aは横浜大会の参加チームとして選抜される.
  4. その時点での選抜チーム数が 49 に満たない場合


手順1 終了後,ホスト大学のチームで選抜されていない最上位の1チームは,横浜大会実行委員会 が認めた場合,横浜大会の参加チームとして選抜される.





Team selection rules are laid down as follows by the ICPC Board of Japan.


Teams participating in the Japan Online First-round Contest on July 5th, 2024, are selection candidates. The team participating in the Asia Yokohama Regional Contest must consist of the same members as the Japan Online First-Round Contest. However, if a team participated with just one or two members in the Online First-Round Contest because one or two members of the team were not able to participate due to unavoidable reasons, that team is eligible to be chosen for the Regional Contest as long as the team consists of the same registered members.

Step 1

The following procedures are performed for all teams in order of their ranks. Let A be the team of interest.

  1. If the total number of teams selected so far is less than 10,
    A is selected as a participant in the Asia Yokohama Regional Contest.
  2. If the total number of teams selected so far is less than 25,
    A is selected as a participant in the Asia Yokohama Regional Contest, if less than 3 teams have already been selected from the same university/college.
  3. If the total number of teams selected so far is less than 40,
    A is selected as a participant in the Asia Yokohama Regional Contest, if less than 2 teams have already been selected from the same university/college.
  4. If the total number of teams selected so far is less than 49,
    A is selected as a participant in the Asia Yokohama Regional Contest, if no team has already been selected from the same university/college.

Step 2

After Step 1, the best team from the host university excluding the teams selected
through Step 1 is selected as a participant in the Asia Yokohama Regional Contest if and only if Yokohama Regional Contest Organizing Committee approves.

Additional Teams

Depending on the number of international teams, the 49 teams stated in Step 1 item 4 may be increased up to 55 teams. Also, if any of the selected teams will not participate in the Asia Yokohama Regional Contest, the number of teams stated in Step 1 item 4 may be increased according to the number of the non-participating teams.



The Asia Yokohama Regional Contest Organizing Committee adjudicates unforeseen events.