2019年アジア横浜大会 チーム選抜ルール

選抜ルールを下記の通り定めます.なお,このルールは,ICPC運営委員会 (ICPC Board) によって制定されました.




参加チームについて成績順に以下のルールを適用する.いま,該当チームを A とする.

  1. その時点での選抜チーム数が 10 に満たない場合
  2. その時点での選抜チーム数が 25 に満たない場合
    Aと同じ大学等の所属でその時点で選抜されたチームの数が 3 に満たなければ,Aは横浜大会の参加チームとして選抜される.
  3. その時点での選抜チーム数が 40 に満たない場合
    Aと同じ大学等の所属でその時点で選抜されたチームの数が 2 に満たなければ,Aは横浜大会の参加チームとして選抜される.
  4. その時点での選抜チーム数が 49 に満たない場合


手順1 終了後,ホスト大学のチームで選抜されていない最上位の1チームは,横浜大会の参加チームとして選抜される.


選抜チームが大会出場を辞退した場合や海外からの参加希望チームが少なかった場合等,横浜大会実行委員会が定めたチーム数に満たなかった場合,参加チームについて成績順に以下のルールを適用する.いま,該当チームを A とする.







Team selection rules are laid down as follows by the ICPC Board of Japan.


The team must have participated in the Japan National Online First-round Contest held on July 12th, 2019. The team of the Asia Yokohama Regional On-Site Contest must consist of the same members as the  Japan National Online First-round Contest. 

Step 1

The following procedures are performed for all teams in descending order of their scores. Let A be the team of interest.

  1. If the total number of teams selected so far is less than 10,
    A is selected as a participant in the Asia Yokohama Regional On-Site Contest.
  2. If the total number of teams selected so far is less than 25,
    A is selected as a participant in the Asia Yokohama Regional On-Site Contest, if less than 3 teams have already been selected from the same university/college.
  3. If the total number of teams selected so far is less than 40,
    A is selected as a participant in the Asia Yokohama Regional On-Site Contest, if less than 2 teams have already been selected from the same university/college.
  4. If the total number of teams selected so far is less than 49,
    A is selected as a participant in the Asia Yokohama Regional On-Site Contest, if no team has already been selected from the same university/college.

Step 2

After Step 1, the best team from the host university excluding the teams selected
through Step 1 and Step 2 is selected as a participant in the Asia Yokohama Regional On-Site Contest.


If a selected team withdraws or a number of international teams is less than we expected, the following procedures are performed for all teams in descending order of their scores. Let A be the team of interest.

A is selected as a participant in the Asia Yokohama Regional On-Site Contest, if no team has been already selected from the same university/college.


The Asia Yokohama Regional Contest Organizing Committee adjudicates unforeseen events.