Computing Environment for the Contest

In the Asia Tsukuba Regional Contest held on Dec. 16-17, 2017, the contest management will provide each team with a computer, a display, a keyboard, and a mouse. Teams MAY NOT use their own computers or equipments.

Manuals for Contestant System and Judge System



Versions may be subject to change.

  • OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Linux (64-bit)
  • Desktop: Unity
  • Editors: vim 7.4, gvim 7.4, emacs 24.3, gedit 3.10, Eclipse 4.7.1a (w/ CDT 9.3.3, PyDev 6.1.0)
  • Languages:
    • Java: OpenJDK 1.8.0
    • C/C++: GCC 4.8.4
    • Python 2: Python 2.7.13 (implemented using PyPy 5.8.0)
      • A list of the installed modules can be found here
    • Python 3: CPython 3.4.3.
      • A list of the installed modules can be found here
  • Reference Docs: C++ docs, Java docs

System Trial DVD

See System Trial DVD