選抜ルールを下記の通り定めます。なお、このルールは、ICPC運営委員会 (ICPC Board) によって制定されました。
参加チームについて成績順に以下のルールを適用する.いま,該当チームを A とする.
- その時点での選抜チーム数が 10 に満たない場合
Aと同じ大学等の所属でその時点で選抜されたチームの数が 4 に満たなければ,Aはつくば大会の参加チームとして選抜される. - その時点での選抜チーム数が 20 に満たない場合
Aと同じ大学等の所属でその時点で選抜されたチームの数が 3 に満たなければ,Aはつくば大会の参加チームとして選抜される. - その時点での選抜チーム数が 30 に満たない場合
Aと同じ大学等の所属でその時点で選抜されたチームの数が 2 に満たなければ,Aはつくば大会の参加チームとして選抜される. - その時点での選抜チーム数が 39 に満たない場合
手順2 (池辺記念奨励枠†)
手順1終了後に,参加チームについて成績順に以下のルールを適用する.いま,該当チームを A とする.
その時点での選抜チーム数が 41 に満たない場合,Aが以下の条件を全て満たすならば,Aはつくば大会の参加チームとして選抜される.
- 同じ大学等のチームは2014年以後に国内予選から選抜されていない
- 手順1 または 2 で選抜されたチームが属する大学等以外のチームである
- 手順1で選抜された最下位チームと同数以上の問題を正解した
手順2 終了後,国内予選の成績を参考につくば大会実行委員会が吟味の上,チーム数が 43 に達するまで選抜チームを追加決定する.
Team selection rules are laid down as follows by the ICPC Board of Japan.
The team must have participated in the Japan National Online First-round Contest held on July 14th, 2017.
Step 1
The following procedures are performed for all teams in descending order of their scores. Let A be the team of interest.
- If the total number of teams selected so far is less than 10,
A is selected as a participant in the Asia Tsukuba Regional On-Site Contest, if less than 4 teams have already been selected from the same university/college. - If the total number of teams selected so far is less than 20,
A is selected as a participant in the Asia Tsukuba Regional On-Site Contest, if less than 3 teams have already been selected from the same university/college. - If the total number of teams selected so far is less than 30,
A is selected as a participant in the Asia Tsukuba Regional On-Site Contest, if less than 2 teams have already been selected from the same university/college. - If the total number of teams selected so far is less than 39,
A is selected as a participant in the Asia Tsukuba Regional On-Site Contest, if no team has already been selected from the same university/college.
Step 2 (Ikebe Memorial Award†)
After Step 1, the following procedures are performed for all teams in descending order
of their scores. Let A be the team of interest.
If the number of selected teams is less than 41, A is selected as a participant in the Asia Tsukuba Regional On-Site Contest if all of the following conditions are satisfied.
- No team has already been selected from the same university/college since 2014.
- No team has already been selected from the same university/college through Step 1 and Step 2.
- A has solved at least the same number of problems as the last team selected by Step 1.
Step 3
If the number of selected teams is less than 43 after Step 2, the remaining participants will be selected by the Asia Tsukuba Regional Contest Organizing Committee based on the results of the First-round Contest qualifying .
If a selected team withdraws, an additional team is selected through Step 3.
The Asia Tsukuba Regional Contest Organizing Committee adjudicates unforeseen events.
†The Ikebe Memorial Award is supported by the late Prof. Yasuhiko Ikebe Endowment Fund to promote Japanese universities that have not advanced to the Asia Regional Japan On-Site Contest recently and to increase the number of participating universities. This award is planned to last for 5 years from 2013.